2c Same model, different background

Consider the work of both Callahan and Germain, then select a subject for a series of five portraits, varying the locations and backgrounds. The one consistent picture element must be the subject you have chosen, who must appear in all five images. Think carefully about where you choose to photograph them, either using a pose that offers a returned gaze to the camera, or simply captures them going about their daily business. The objective once again is to visually link the images together in some way.  
You may choose a family member as a subject, like Callahan, or agree to photograph a colleague or friend, or even a willing participant who is either known or previously unknown to you, like Germain’s story about Charles Snelling.  
Present your five images as a series and write around 500 words reflecting on the decisions you made. Include both of these in your learning log or blog.

I&P p.67

Initial thoughts

[20Nov20] This whole course is turning into something of a family album with my Square Mile in the preamble archive photographs of my mother in Exc.1.4 and my partner in the garden for Exc. 1.2.

I thought Mrs. B. would be the subject of (or is it object for) this exercise too, but I have had a better idea. Work eat sleep repeat has (in various sequences) become a mantra of the downtrodden, a web domain (Daisley, 2020), an album track (Neverstore, 2017) and the subject of various self-help books (including Daisley, 2020 again), articles and courses. The phrase is extended in various ways, notably, WAKE — WORK — EAT — SHIT — SLEEP — REPEAT: Surely There Is More To Life Than This? (Olawale, 2015)

That is where the second idea started — the life of my new(ish) grandson might be summarised, entirely accurately and comprehensively, as eat, play, poop, sleep, repeat. And that is what I shall photograph: the four phases of his current life.

As I keep noting through this course, my responses to these exercises might be more expansive and my horizons rather wider were it not for Covid limitations.

Eat, Play, Poop, Sleep

[3Dec] The photographs have been made over the past few days.

I&P Exc x.y References

Boothroyd, S. and Roberts, K. (2019) Identity and place [I&P]. Barnsley: Open College of the Arts.

Daisley, B. (2020) Eat Sleep Work Repeat. Glasgow: Harper Collins.

Daisley, B. (2020) Eat Sleep Work Repeat [online]. eatsleepworkrepeat.com. Available from https://eatsleepworkrepeat.com/ [Accessed 20 November 2020].

Neverstore (2017) Work Eat Sleep Repeat, Track 4 of Neverstore, GAIN.

Olawale, S. (2015) WAKE — WORK — EAT — SHIT — SLEEP — REPEAT: Surely There Is More To Life Than This? [online]. medium.com. Available from https://medium.com/@spiritbeing/wake-work-eat-shit-sleep-repeat-surely-there-is-more-to-life-than-this-3c7f93fde356 [Accessed 20 November 2020].